The Journey
The life of an adventurer isn't all dungeons and dragons. There are long periods of travel, survival in the wilderness, and the many considerations regarding the daily life of an itinerant monster hunter to take into account. When role-played well, the journey can be just as interesting as the destination.
Overland Travel
Food, Shelter, and Rest
Survival and The Rule of Threes
Sooner or later, every adventurer will contend with the reality of disease. Though there are treatments for many of the more common diseases, medicine is still in something of a dark age. People are ignorant as to the causes of disease and the most effective means for treatment. Folk medicine and superstition are the rule in rural areas and though larger cities can boast doctors and alchemists to treat the sick, those with adequate medical training are in high demand and short supply.
Listed here are some diseases characters may encounter in their journeys (GMs are free to design their own diseases to fit within the campaigns and narratives they are writing). Diseases are classified into three groups according to their virulence and deadliness:
When a PC contracts a disease, they may make a Save at the end of every day that they get at least 12 hours of rest and plenty of water to drink. Once at the end of each day they are sick, the PC may spend a point of Stamina to make an additional Save (so those who rest can attempt two Saves while those who are not resting can only attempt one).
Listed here are some diseases characters may encounter in their journeys (GMs are free to design their own diseases to fit within the campaigns and narratives they are writing). Diseases are classified into three groups according to their virulence and deadliness:
- Trivial: In all but the most extreme cases, the disease isn't life-threatening. However, it can cause discomfort and inconvenience for all who contract it.
- Serious: Serious illnesses can be life-threatening, especially to the young, elderly, or infirm. They cause great pain and discomfort and physically debilitate those who contract them.
- Deadly: A Deadly illness usually results in the death of whoever contracts it, no matter how young or healthy they may have been beforehand. Few individuals ever survive a Deadly illness without treatment.
When a PC contracts a disease, they may make a Save at the end of every day that they get at least 12 hours of rest and plenty of water to drink. Once at the end of each day they are sick, the PC may spend a point of Stamina to make an additional Save (so those who rest can attempt two Saves while those who are not resting can only attempt one).
- A Trivial disease requires 5 Saves to end or runs its course after 3d6 days.
- A Serious disease requires 10 Saves to end. It may run its course over 6d6 days, at the end of which the PC suffers 1d6 Wounds.
- A Deadly disease requires 20 Saves to end. If allowed to run its course, the PC will suffer 2d6 Wounds after 9d6 agonizing days of illness.
Beggar's Cough
Trivial disease A loud, rattling cough endemic to the poorest of the poor, Beggar's Cough spreads rapidly through communities where uncleanliness is commonplace. An airborne illness, Beggar's Cough comes with fever, muscular soreness, and the tell-tale cough that persists for weeks after the illness finally abates. Beggar's Cough rarely results in fatality, but is an unpleasant experience to say the least. A character suffering from Beggar's Cough has Disadvantage on all Feats related to Heart. |