In the course of developing a new breed of humanity, science came upon a method for altering the genetic code of a living individual to awaken enhanced, supernatural abilities within them. The first iterations of this process met with little success; subjects were left dead or with debilitating mental and physical handicaps more often than they attained new powers. But as the process improved and the first new Lineages of humanity awoke, Schema (as the results of the treatment came to be known) became a cornerstone of the Pathfinder program.
Schema can only be acquired during character creation but may be improved upon as the character becomes stronger. Schema are permanent modifications to a Pathfinder's genetic code and should be selected with some discretion and planning as they cannot (without the GM's permission) be altered or swapped out under normal circumstances. |
Character CreationYou have 10 Strands to fill with Schema. Strands work like slots; the more powerful a Schema is, the more slots it takes up. The number of colored Strands you have depends on your Traits.
Every Pathfinder starts with 10 Strands. Strands are like genetic slots where Schema are stored; the more powerful a Schema is, the more Strands it occupies. Schema are categorized and color-coded according to the nature of each ability. Strands are likewise color-coded with Traits deciding how many of each kind of Strand a character has.
- Enhancement Schema are powers of the body, coming from genetic improvements t0 musculature, cellular activity, organs, and bones. You have (Body) Enhancement Strands to fill with Schema.
- Psychic Schema are powers of the mind and spirit, originating from some supernatural connection to the unseen world. You have (Heart) Psychic Strands to fill with Schema.
- Forces Schema are powers that summon and control elemental forces of the physical world like light, magnetism, fire, and gravity. You have (Mind) Forces Strands to fill with Schema.
- Calibration Schema are powers that change the shape or essential properties of the user, the environment, or the target creature. You have (Skill) Calibration Strands to fill with Schema.
Schema Roles
Schema are also organized by the way they allow the character to interact with their environment and the tactical role they fulfill within the group. There are six combat-oriented roles and six roles more focused on the problem-solving and role-playing aspects of the game. It is important to select Schema that not only fit with your character concept, but also fit your play-style and the needs of the group.
- Combat
- Defense: self-preservation and damage mitigation
- Disruption: create an advantage or remove an enemy advantage
- DPS: damage per strike; inflicting copious amounts of damage against the enemy
- Passage: get somewhere you normally couldn't or move in a way you normally couldn't
- Support: heal, strengthen, and save your team from harm
- Tactical: control the flow (and therefore the outcome) of battle
- Intelligence: gather information about someone or something; enables you to learn something you didn't previously know
- Interaction: socialize with other characters, either through diplomatic win-win interactions or bullish win-lose ineractions
- Narrative: introduce a new story element or control how another story element plays out
- Resource: gain a resource or advantage you didn't have before
- Utility: an all-purpose ability to help overcome or remove an obstacle/problem