Beneath the ordered heart of the universe churns a sea of chaos, primordial energy from which all creation once sprung. The laws of entropy pull matter, life, and energy from a state of integrity and control into one of disarray and corruption. Mavericks can harness this force to destroy obstacles and disintegrate their enemies into dust. Rampancy not only deals in persistent damage against foes, but can even be used to stave off and reverse destruction.
Role-Playing With (Power)One with the power of Rampancy is connected to the Void; the descent of all things into nothingness. They have glimpsed the end and come to terms with its inevitability, either by descending into gloomy nihilism or by embracing life in every precious moment. This connection to the Void allows one to feel when things are about to go badly. This isn’t a whisper in the mind so much as it is a feeling in the gut. While this instinct occasionally can be misleading, it’s rarely wrong outright.
Ritual: Withering TouchYou touch an object and spend a point of Destiny to completely destroy it. It takes you 10 minutes of contact and concentration to pull this off. You cannot affect any object that is supernatural in origin or larger than a two-person vehicle (or objects the GM says you can’t affect with this Ritual). When you use Withering Touch, choose one of the following:
Gaining (Power) grants a character all of the following Stunts:
DestroyerYou were chosen by the Void for your willingness to destroy. As you embrace this destiny, your ability to end your foes increases.
After spending Focus, you gain a +1d6 bonus to the next instance of damage you deal before the Scene ends. UpgradesRank 2
The damage bonus from Destroyer increases to 2d6. Rank 3
The damage bonus from Destroyer increases to 3d6. Rank 4
The damage bonus from Destroyer increases to 4d6. Rank 5
The damage bonus from Destroyer increases to 5d6. |
Entropic BoltYou fire a blast of void energy from the palm of your hands, infecting an enemy with raw entropy that brings them to ruin.
The target takes an extra 1 damage per Bump now and 1d6 ongoing damage (Save ends). UpgradesRank 2
While taking ongoing damage from Entropic Bolt, the target is Vulnerable. Rank 3
Replace the basic version of Entropic Bolt's effect with the following: the target takes an extra 2 damage per Bump now and 2d6 ongoing damage (Save ends). Rank 4
While taking ongoing damage from Entropic Bolt, the target has Disadvantage on all Saves. Rank 5
Replace the Rank 2 version of Entropic Bolt's effect with the following: the target takes an extra 3 damage per Bump now and 3d6 ongoing damage (Save ends). |
Forced ChaosYou are able to bend the forces of chaos to your will, influencing the outcome of events to the benefit of you and your allies.
Once per Scene when a creature within 20 yards of you makes a roll and you dislike the result, you may force them to re-roll. UpgradesRank 2
You can force a creature to re-roll twice per Scene. Rank 3
You can force a creature to re-roll three times per Scene. Rank 4
You can force a creature to re-roll four times per Scene. Rank 5
You can force a creature to re-roll five times per Scene. |
Quench LifeYou reach outward through The Aether, grasping at the very life-force of an enemy to rend their soul from within.
The target must Save or immediately take 1d6 damage for each Rank you have in Quench Life. UpgradesRank 2
If damaged by Quench Life, the target cannot recover Hit Points (Save ends). Rank 3
After taking damage from Quench Life, the target is Weakened (Save ends). Rank 4
The target has Disadvantage to Save against Quench Life. Rank 5
Whenever a creature within range takes damage, you can use Quench Life against them as a Reaction (1 AP). |