I am Orcish : They are Orcs : It is Orcish : This is about Orckind
Also known as Bez-Torag
I am Orcish : They are Orcs : It is Orcish : This is about Orckind
Also known as Bez-Torag
Orcs are a mighty race of warriors from the world of Helios, equally feared and sought out for their prowess in battle. Their world is a vast battlefield created by the god of war both to punish and test the Mortal soul. Inundated by constant battle, the Orcs were driven to become its masters. Nowhere else can one find a people more dedicated to the pursuit of perfection in combat.
No Mere BrutesDespite their penchant for war, Orcs hold a quiet dignity and a savage nobility. Their kind values strength and honor, despising wanton violence or pointless bloodshed. Every fight has a purpose, even if that purpose is to prove one’s strength. Every war is fought with an ideal in mind, even if that ideal is hatred for a sworn enemy. Despite the frothing rage one might see on the battlefield, Orcs from Helios are highly self-controlled, marrying spirituality and military discipline into a harmonious strength that crashes like a storm when called upon.
Bad CompanyTheir skill in battle and fearsome appearance have given the Bez-Torag the double-edged sword of a fearsome reputation. Wherever he goes, the Orc is regarded with fear-struck awe, hesitant caution, or outright contempt. Many Orcs who grow up outside the discipline of the Helion clans eventually fall into lives of ill repute, forced to earn their way as gladiators, bodyguards, mercenaries, or degenerate thugs for hire. Heroic Orcs often seek to rise above such worthless stereotypes, proving the strength of their character by way of heroic deeds and dauntless willpower.
Live By the sword, Die by the Sword
Through the long watches of the dread night, Goruk kept watch as the girl slept. She was young and exhausted from their sudden flight. He was nearly seven feet and four hundred pounds of muscle and rage, hardened by years of constant battle. She would sleep. He would watch. |
A Brief History of Orc-Kind
According to Orcish legends, the world of Helios was born in fire and blood, forged by the will of Marduke, god of war. In these ancient times, hundreds of clans fought for dominance until one great leader managed to unite them all beneath his all-surpassing might. Said to be an incarnation of Marduke himself, this legendary figure known as the True Khan ruled for a thousand years before dividing the world up between his twelve children and becoming one with the planet. These twelve heirs became the heads of twelve great clans, rulers of twelve great lands which quickly fell back into fighting with one another for domination, honoring their father's legacy and the warring heritage of their people.
Cultivating Strength
Orcs have little use for the aspects of culture and religion which are not, at least in some way, useful for war. Their music consists of war marches, songs of victory, or eulogies for the honored dead. Their prayers are prayers for victory or glory in death. Academics, science, and study of the arcane are only pursued so far as they are useful for increasing the clan's strength and providing an edge in battle. Needless to say, the Orcish people have done little to advance Mortal arts and sciences, and have little interest in ever doing so, at least not while the threat of invasion by a neighboring clan is ever-present.
Savage Valor
Through the evolution of Orc-kind, only the strongest have ever survived. Those most suited for the harsh realities of life on Helios, those with the largest and most durable bodies, those with the will to fight and win no matter what are the ones who live to pass on their strength to the next generation. As such, all Orcs are large and powerfully built with a natural affinity for battle. No matter how noble or civil he may act under normal conditions, when an Orc is pressed into a corner, the indomitable warrior within will emerge to crush an enemy or endure whatever pain may come.
SAVAGE VALORYour powerful body and iron will give you strength beyond most other Mortals. Twice per day, you may double an instance of damage you deal or halve an instance of damage you receive.
AdvancedYou can use an Asset to unlock the Advanced version Savage Valor, which works just as described above but may be used once per Scene instead of twice per day.
Druz Do'Nok
Firstborn among the True Khan's sons was Bosk, a mighty warrior with the heart of a poet and the mind of a philosopher. His children became the Bosek, a large and powerful tribe who rule the heartlands of Golgorath. Bosek are among the most prevalent tribe of Orcs, infamous for their invasions during the Second Age. Because of the fearful legends and whispered rumors about them, most outsiders imagine a Bosek when they think of the Orcs. Despite the dreadful stories about them, the Bosek are a people who value honor, living by a code that abhors wanton violence, emphasizes duty even at great personal cost, and refuses to forgive an enemy, holding out for revenge and reparation until honor's demands are met.
AppearanceBosek are tall and incredibly muscular with green skin, pointed ears, and prominent tusks. They have flat, broad features, square jaws and noble brows. Their hair is thick and dark, often black or brown with piercing eyes of blue, green, brown, or grey. |
HomelandThe Bosek tribes have conquered many lands, but most can be found living in Golgorath, the Lands of Blood, making a life for themselves among the roving tribes and fortress-cities of Moranthe, Oronash, Lo M'gar, and The Fists of Keth. |
druhz doe-uh-nawk
Often referred to as "Dark Orcs" or "Deep Orcs", the Druz Do'nok are descended from Nok, a son of the True Khan who was known as a master smith. Following in the ways of their forebear, the Druz Do'nok made their way into the mountains seeking precious ore and rare materials to craft the greatest weapons known to Orckind. Little did they realize what they would encounter deep within the caverns of S'thek. Forging pacts with the dark things which dwell at the root of the world, the Druz Do'nok evolved into a subterranean race of warriors and craftsmen whose destiny became tied up with that of the darkness. Theirs is a rigid, caste-based society where life is brutal, slavery is common, and death is often the only means of escape.
AppearanceDruz Do'nok are shorter than most other Orcs (their growth stunted by their cavernous homes), but no less muscular. They have greyish-blue skin, smaller tusks, and eyes of deep, crimson red. Druz Do'nok are usually bald, though some grow black or dark brown top-knots. |
HomelandThe Dark Orcs make their homes within the cavernous depths of S'thek, warring against the Fomorians for territory in Neth'al Tuak. While some have attempted to claim the mountains of Mul Z'orrah, few tribes have successfully made a home there. |
The True Khan's second son, Gortu, was jovial and well-liked, eschewing responsibility for the joys of drink and the company of women. His heirs share in his love for life, though they are no less ferocious in battle than any other Orc. Gotugari tend to be eternal optimists, finding the bright side of every situation and reframing tedious tasks or painful experiences in a positive way. They find elation in the thick of bloody combat, celebrating this dance-like exchange as an expression of life's fragility, each deadly blow a thing of ephemeral beauty. They find comfort and delight in one another's company, roaring with laughter over stories shared around the campfire. They seek to experience all of life's pleasures as often as possible, knowing they could meet their end at any moment.
AppearanceGotugar are broad and muscular, often with wide ears and smaller tusks. Their skin has a yellow tint to it and their eyes often blaze with joy in shades of blue, green, brown, or yellow. They have loose brown, black, or even red hair on rare occassion. |
HomelandClans of Gotugar roam the eastern plains of Golgorath into Vol M'Kosh, primarily occupying the regions of Lo M'gar, Galvaros, and Durum Ygost. Of all the Orc tribes, Gotugar are the most likely to live among others of their kin rather than inhabit large cities of their own. |
Grom was a disturbed child who enjoyed tormenting anything weaker than him (which was most things). He grew into a disturbed adult who, upon the death of his father, the True Khan, sired a disturbed clan of Orcs known as Gromlings. While most Orcs are fond of battle but shy away from wanton murder, Gromlings have few qualms about killing something for the sheer enjoyment of it. They are aggressive and hostile, bullies who prey on the weak. Their numbers are few, for stronger clans often answer their antagonism in kind. Gromling clans who thrive best are those who hire out their services as assassins, mercenaries, trackers, and interrogators willing to do any unsavory deed for a small price. In this way have the Gromlings made powerful friends and fed their dark appetites.
AppearanceGromlings are squat and stout, much shorter than the average Orc but no less powerful. They have heavy brows, smaller ears, and no tusks. A Gromlings eyes are brown, black, or dingy red with skin in grey-green or grey-brown hues. |
HomelandThe Gromlings primarily make their way as bandits robbing the highways of Oronash, mercenaries cozying up to powerful warlords in Lo M'gar, or pirates sailing the seas of Vol M'kosh, particularly Orin's Chain where the reach of the law is greatly diminished. |
Known to many as "Sea Orcs", Hurians are born sailors, descended from the True Khan's daughter Huri, who was famed for her exploration of Helios's raging seas. Hurians have something of an unsavory reputation as sea dogs and coastal raiders. In reality, they are a pragmatic and businesslike people who ask a simple question when making any decisions: is this worth what it will cost me? Whether it's raiding a ship, seeking out some buried treasure, fighting for territory, or taking a job to protect merchant vessels, the Hurian always considers the cost of their actions and the value of what stands to be gained. While this approach has done little to help the tribe's reputation or earn them any staunch allies, it has seen them prosper along the savage coastlands they call home.
AppearanceHurians may look shorter and thinner than many tribes of Orc, but are deceptively strong, hardy, and athletic. They are born swimmers with rugged features and no tusks. Hurians have clay-brown skin and eyes of some shade between green and yellow. |
HomelandThe Hurian Orcs are masters of the sea, claiming lordship over the region of Vol M'kosh. One may see their sails upon the waters of Nur Na Thek, Gul'bari Grim, Orin's Chain, Durum Ygost, and Shar Sa Sung, even as far south as the tropical waters of Kinreath. |
For the longest time, everyone believed the Khan's son Kreb to have been killed when his army was slain by a horde of demons. But Kreb survived his capture and returned to his people...changed. The once boastful warrior never returned; in his place was a quiet man plagued by shadows, haunted by demons. His heirs inherited his curse not only in the form of arcane talent, but in the ease with which they are able to traffic with demons. The tribe has long had dealings with the beasts of shadow, leveraging infernal might to overcome their enemies at a terrible price. In some camps, demons walk openly amongst the Kreblid, much to the horror of outsiders. Most Orcs hold little trust for the Kreblid, but when the need for dealing with demons arises, there is no better Orc for the job.
AppearanceKreblid are tall and wan with pale, sallow skin and eyes that are brown, red, or completely black. Their hair is often brown or black, but a demonic taint may cause it to become an unusual color. Many Kreblid tattoo wards upon their bodies for protection from demons. |
HomelandThe Kreblid are generally unwelcome among other Orcs and have a few permanent settlements of their own scattered throughout the black-sand deserts of Tsarosa and into Mekon Ipal. Some live among the Fomorians in the subterranean cities of Neth'al Tuak. |
Shmi was the True Khan's eldest daughter who became a priestess of Garo (known to the Orcs as Ti-Tikata) in direct opposition to her father's wishes. For much of her life, she was estranged from her father, keeping company with the wild spirits of the southern jungles until word of his passing and her inheritance reached her. Her tribe, the Larkshmi are still regarded by their kin as barbarians and outsiders who have more in common with the wild animals than with the children of the True Khan. The Larkshmi are happy to keep out of their endless battles, warring instead with the constant dangers of the jungle and the upheavals of the spirit world in which they are active participants. The Larkshmi are tied intimately to the land and it is said they alone keep disaster from ravaging all Helios.
AppearanceLarkshmi are among the tallest Orcs, with lean and athletic builds, wide, flat ears and brutish features. They have small tusks, reddish-brown skin, and eyes that peer through the jungle in shades of deep red, cat-like yellow, and emerald green. |
HomelandThroughout the jungles or Shusoa, one may find small encampments of Larkshmi here and there, but the largest and most sacred cities of their people are found deep within the jungles of Ona Muru and on the border with the coastal region of Kinreath. |
The last daughter of the True Khan was hidden away by her mother for some time before the Khan discovered her and returned the lost princess to his charge. In this time, the girl discovered the world of spirits and made dear friends with them. Her children keep with this tradition, spending their time in dreams among the spirits while their waking lives are spent making a home among the southern jungles of Shusoa. Time and again, invaders from Golgorath have attempted to subjugate the Troeg and claim their lush lands, but the Troeg's talent for stealth, skill in asymmetrical warfare, and pacts with jungle spirits have seen the invaders repelled each and every time. For their part, the Troeg are content to wander in the shadows, whisper to the spirits, and find peace in the wild jungles.
AppearanceTall, and lean with prominent tusks and large, pointed ears, the Troeg are often not immediately recognized as Orcs. They have skin in varying shades of blue and purple withe white, blonde, green, blue, or red hair and eyes of red, blue, yellow, or purple. |
HomelandThe Troeg are the most dominant people within Shusoa, making their homes throughout the lush jungles of the region. One can find cities of Troeg and their spirit friends in Ora Makesh, Mekon Ipal, Ona Muru, and throughout the shoals and islands of Kinreath. |
It is said that Ura'drogosh, the True Khan's youngest son and final child was not born of any of his wives, but from his union with a demon and that the price for this creature entering the world was the Khan's exit from it. Ura'drogosh was the greatest warrior of his time, whose strength and skill exceeded even that of his father. His children, the Urad, carry this same strength within their boiling blood, always ready for battle and hungry for war. Their incredible ferocity and eagerness to die in battle has seen to the tribe's diminishment through the centuries as Urad now number fewest of the Orcish tribes with no more than a handful of small holdings and nothing but legends to their name. Their leaders aim to restore the glory of the tribe through battle, but these ambitions diminish with every young Urad who dies in the endless wars of Helios.
AppearanceThe Urad are the tallest and most muscular of the Orcish people, with a mouth full of jagged tusks and a body covered in countless scars. Their skin is blood red and their eyes glare forth in shades of yellow, brown, red, and black. |
HomelandOnce the Urad competed with the Bosek for dominance within Golgorath, but their lack of cunning and talent for statecraft saw to their weakening. Urad have no homeland and no cities of note. Their kind can be found living in close-knit communities among other Orcs. |
While most of the True Khan's children were content to take their lands and war with one another for countless ages, the Khan's daughter Yara saw further. She had always been gifted with supernatural foresight and dreamed of another world where her children could find peace. An age later, her children made this dream a reality by forsaking their homeworld of Helios to make a life elsewhere on The Sphere. During the Second Age, the Yarak took to living among the other Mortal races, leaving many of their Orcish traditions behind them. Today, the Yarak are considered a "lost tribe" who forsook their people. The Yarak look at the plight of the Orcs, their ravaged world, their endless wars...and count themselves the lucky ones.
AppearanceThe Yarak are undeniably Orcish, with broad, powerful builds, prominent tusks, pointed ears, and green skin. However, they dress and talk more like the other races of the Sphere, styling their dark hair in modern styles and wearing fashions that lack bones and spikes. |
HomelandThe Yarak can be found in large population centers, especially in areas which are more modern and progressive in their thinking (places where Orcs are not treated as pariah) such as Camheed, the Wynderwood, and Nexo Domina. |