On Earth, humanity evolved little during the relatively brief time span between its rise from ape-hood, its ascent to modernity, and its collapse into chaos. While the species' evolution had served them well on Earth, the task of populating an alien world would fall to the next generation of human evolution.
During the trip to Eden, several new Lines of humanity were engineered using taboo and cutting edge science. The children of these experiments grew up to be stronger, faster, and more intelligent than their predecessors, gifted with special strengths and the potential to settle and populate a harsh alien world. Each Player Character belongs to a new Lineage of humanity. A character's Lineage affects their physical stats, social standing in The Fleet, and starting resources. Each Lineage also bestows a perk unique to Pathfinders who belong to it. |
Character CreationChoose which Lineage your character belongs to. Lineage gives a +1 bonus to one Trait, a unique perk, and access to several Classes. |