To those trapped in the banality of normal life, time and space are fixed obstacles that lock one's life firmly into place. To one who understands the Mystery of Confluence, however, time and space are relative notions that can be reinterpreted on a whim. Practitioners of this art are able to transport themselves instantly from one place to another, open portals to connect remote locales at a single point, and halt or even reverse the flow of time. Confluence also allows one to slip loose the bonds of earth and fly through the air or swim through the sea as freely as the dolphins do. To a powerful Confluencer, there is virtually no limit on how, where, and when they can go.
Alter Timeline
As a Half Action, you take a small step backward in time to make a small correction. Re-roll the last dice roll you made.
Level 1
As a Half Action, you take a step backward in time to correct something in the recent past. Make one change to something that happened earlier during the current Scene. The change can be no greater than something you could have done during one of your turns. Perhaps you move an ally out of harm's way, shout a timely warning, or don't give up that powerful artifact to the witch in disguise. Whatever change you make, describe this to the GM an he will reveal how events in the past have now unfolded into a different present for you and your allies.
The end result of this change in the timeline should be the equivalent of spending a single point of Destiny to alter something in a Scene.
Level 2
As Level 1, but you may change something that happened since the end of your last Full Rest. The end result of this change in the timeline should be the equivalent of spending two points of Destiny to alter something in a Scene.
Level 3
As Level 2, but you may change something that happened within the past week. The end result of this change in the timeline should be the equivalent of spending three points of Destiny to alter something in a Scene.
As a Half Action, you take a small step backward in time to make a small correction. Re-roll the last dice roll you made.
Level 1
As a Half Action, you take a step backward in time to correct something in the recent past. Make one change to something that happened earlier during the current Scene. The change can be no greater than something you could have done during one of your turns. Perhaps you move an ally out of harm's way, shout a timely warning, or don't give up that powerful artifact to the witch in disguise. Whatever change you make, describe this to the GM an he will reveal how events in the past have now unfolded into a different present for you and your allies.
The end result of this change in the timeline should be the equivalent of spending a single point of Destiny to alter something in a Scene.
Level 2
As Level 1, but you may change something that happened since the end of your last Full Rest. The end result of this change in the timeline should be the equivalent of spending two points of Destiny to alter something in a Scene.
Level 3
As Level 2, but you may change something that happened within the past week. The end result of this change in the timeline should be the equivalent of spending three points of Destiny to alter something in a Scene.
Use of this Cantrip occurs in two seperate Actions. The first Action ("Mark") sets an invisible marker at the location where you are currently standing. The second Action ("Recall") opens a portal to the marked location. The next creature to pass through this portal is instantly transported to the marked location, as though passing through a doorway (light and sound also pass through the portal while it is open, making the portal's destination obvious to anyone observing it).
You cannot "Mark" more than one location at a time; setting a new "Mark" erases the previous one. Your "Mark" is erased during your next Full Rest.
Level 1
As the Cantrip, but the portal remains open while you maintain Concentration and for 1 minute after you've ceased Concentrating. You may also open portals to any location you are very familiar with (such as your home/headquarters, the place you grew up; anywhere you've spent a significant amount of time in).
Level 2
As Level 1, but you may also open portals to any location you've spent at least three consecutive Full Rests in. The Portals you create can be any flat shape or size (up to 10 x 10 meters) and can be placed anywhere within your line of sight (even hovering in mid-air).
Level 3
As Level 3, but you may open a portal to any place you have ever been to.
Use of this Cantrip occurs in two seperate Actions. The first Action ("Mark") sets an invisible marker at the location where you are currently standing. The second Action ("Recall") opens a portal to the marked location. The next creature to pass through this portal is instantly transported to the marked location, as though passing through a doorway (light and sound also pass through the portal while it is open, making the portal's destination obvious to anyone observing it).
You cannot "Mark" more than one location at a time; setting a new "Mark" erases the previous one. Your "Mark" is erased during your next Full Rest.
Level 1
As the Cantrip, but the portal remains open while you maintain Concentration and for 1 minute after you've ceased Concentrating. You may also open portals to any location you are very familiar with (such as your home/headquarters, the place you grew up; anywhere you've spent a significant amount of time in).
Level 2
As Level 1, but you may also open portals to any location you've spent at least three consecutive Full Rests in. The Portals you create can be any flat shape or size (up to 10 x 10 meters) and can be placed anywhere within your line of sight (even hovering in mid-air).
Level 3
As Level 3, but you may open a portal to any place you have ever been to.
Bend time around a creature as a Half Action, increasing or decreasing their Speed by 1 until the start of your next turn.
Level 1
As a Half Action, make a Spellcraft Feat to bend time around a creature. For each Bump you roll, increase or decrease (to a minimum Speed of 1) their Speed by 1 for so long as you maintain Concentration.
Level 2
As a Half Action, make a Spellcraft Feat to bend time around a creature. For every 2 Bumps you roll, increase or decrease (to a minimum of 1 Action) their total number of Actions by 1 for so long as you maintain Concentration.
Level 3
As a Half Action, make a Spellcraft Feat to bend time around a creature. For every Bump you roll, increase or decrease their total Actions or Speed (to a minimum of 1 Action and 1 Speed) by 1 for so long as you maintain Concentration.
Bend time around a creature as a Half Action, increasing or decreasing their Speed by 1 until the start of your next turn.
Level 1
As a Half Action, make a Spellcraft Feat to bend time around a creature. For each Bump you roll, increase or decrease (to a minimum Speed of 1) their Speed by 1 for so long as you maintain Concentration.
Level 2
As a Half Action, make a Spellcraft Feat to bend time around a creature. For every 2 Bumps you roll, increase or decrease (to a minimum of 1 Action) their total number of Actions by 1 for so long as you maintain Concentration.
Level 3
As a Half Action, make a Spellcraft Feat to bend time around a creature. For every Bump you roll, increase or decrease their total Actions or Speed (to a minimum of 1 Action and 1 Speed) by 1 for so long as you maintain Concentration.
You search the time-stream for assistance, taking at least 10 minutes to complete your inquiry. When you've finished, you gain one of the following:
The benefits of this Spell depend on the Level at which it is cast:
Cantrip: Pick one of the following:
- An item, plucked from another time-line
- The answer to a yes or no question regarding the past, present, or future (should current events remain unaltered)
The benefits of this Spell depend on the Level at which it is cast:
Cantrip: Pick one of the following:
- Gain a Common Alchemy Item, a Common Wondrous Weapon or Armor of your choice, or any item worth 10 Crowns or less; the choosen boon returns to its own time during your next Full Rest
- Ask one question about a person, place, or thing you are currently able to observe
- Gain an Uncommon Alchemy Item, an Uncommon Wondrous Weapon or Armor of your choice, or any item worth 25 Crowns or less; the choosen boon returns to its own time during your next Full Rest
- Ask up to two questions about a person, place, or thing you have personally encountered
- Gain a Rare Alchemy Item, a Rare Wondrous Weapon or Armor of your choice, or any item worth 50 Crowns or less; the choosen boon returns to its own time during your next Full Rest
- Ask up to three questions about a person, place, or thing you have detailed knowledge of
- Gain a Mythic Alchemy Item, a Mythic Wondrous Weapon or Armor of your choice, or any item worth 100 Crowns or less; the choosen boon returns to its own time during your next Full Rest
- Ask up to four questions about a person, place, or thing you only know about in the abstract
As a Half Action, create two Portals (A & B) which connect two points in space; stepping through Portal A instantly transports a creature or object through Portal B, as though they were stepping through an open door.
The nearest Portal must be within 5 meters of you and both Portals must be within 5 meters of one another. Portals can be created on any surface, standing upright like a door or lying flat upon the surface itself.
Both Portals vanish at the end of your next turn.
Level 1
As the Cantrip, but increase the range of the nearest Portal to 10 meters (and both Portals must be within 10 meters of one another). You can create Portals in mid-air and maintain them with Concentration.
Level 2
As Level 1, but your Portals can be any (flat) shape and any size (occupying up to a 10 x 10 meter area).
Level 3
As Level 2, but only creatures you allow to pass through your Portals may do so. All others are repelled, as though pushing into a solid wall.
As a Half Action, create two Portals (A & B) which connect two points in space; stepping through Portal A instantly transports a creature or object through Portal B, as though they were stepping through an open door.
The nearest Portal must be within 5 meters of you and both Portals must be within 5 meters of one another. Portals can be created on any surface, standing upright like a door or lying flat upon the surface itself.
Both Portals vanish at the end of your next turn.
Level 1
As the Cantrip, but increase the range of the nearest Portal to 10 meters (and both Portals must be within 10 meters of one another). You can create Portals in mid-air and maintain them with Concentration.
Level 2
As Level 1, but your Portals can be any (flat) shape and any size (occupying up to a 10 x 10 meter area).
Level 3
As Level 2, but only creatures you allow to pass through your Portals may do so. All others are repelled, as though pushing into a solid wall.
As a Free Action, slow the descent of a falling creature or object to the point they are treated as though they are falling into soft, yielding ground and are allowed to opt out of one Falling Damage roll.
Level 1
As the Cantrip, but the creature only rolls Falling Damage once for every 25 meters they fall instead of every 5.
Level 2
As the Cantrip, but the creature only rolls Falling Damage once for every 100 meters they fall instead of every 5.
Level 3
As a Free Action, slow the descent of a falling creature or object, allowing them to drift harmlessly to the ground and land on their feet. During their descent, the creature may glide one meter horizontally for ever 5 meters they fall vertically.
As a Free Action, slow the descent of a falling creature or object to the point they are treated as though they are falling into soft, yielding ground and are allowed to opt out of one Falling Damage roll.
Level 1
As the Cantrip, but the creature only rolls Falling Damage once for every 25 meters they fall instead of every 5.
Level 2
As the Cantrip, but the creature only rolls Falling Damage once for every 100 meters they fall instead of every 5.
Level 3
As a Free Action, slow the descent of a falling creature or object, allowing them to drift harmlessly to the ground and land on their feet. During their descent, the creature may glide one meter horizontally for ever 5 meters they fall vertically.
For a brief moment, you soar through the air to reach a pinnacle, then land safely on the ground. As an Action, make a Spellcraft Feat and Jump up to (Speed + Bumps) meters.
Level 1
Make a Spellcraft Feat as a Half Action and gain a Fly Speed equal to the Bumps you rolled. This lasts for as long as you hold Concentration.
Level 2
As Level 1, but double your Fly Speed.
Level 3
As Level 1, but triple your Fly Speed.
For a brief moment, you soar through the air to reach a pinnacle, then land safely on the ground. As an Action, make a Spellcraft Feat and Jump up to (Speed + Bumps) meters.
Level 1
Make a Spellcraft Feat as a Half Action and gain a Fly Speed equal to the Bumps you rolled. This lasts for as long as you hold Concentration.
Level 2
As Level 1, but double your Fly Speed.
Level 3
As Level 1, but triple your Fly Speed.
Pick a point in space within 5 meters of a creature that is within 10 meters of you. The target creature must Save or this point in space becomes gravity's focal point for them, causing them to "fall" toward it. Once they "land" on the designated space, gravity's normal effects take hold once more.
Level 1
Create a well of intense gravity in an unoccupied space within 10 meters. The well will pulse at the end of your turn each round, forcing every creature within 5 meters of it to Save or be drawn 1d6 meters closer to the center of the gravity well. Any creature adjacent to the well when it pulses takes 2d6 + 3 Physical damage.
Level 2
Create a well of intense gravity in an unoccupied space within 15 meters. The well will pulse at the end of your turn each round, forcing every creature within 8 meters of it to Save or be drawn 1d8 meters closer to the center of the gravity well and Slowed (Save ends). Any creature adjacent to the well when it pulses takes 3d8 + 4 Physical damage.
Level 3
Create a well of intense gravity in an unoccupied space within 20 meters. The well will pulse at the end of your turn each round, forcing every creature within 10 meters of it to Save or be drawn 1d10 meters closer to the center of the gravity well and Immobilized (Save ends). Any creature adjacent to the well when it pulses takes 4d10 + 5 Physical damage.
Pick a point in space within 5 meters of a creature that is within 10 meters of you. The target creature must Save or this point in space becomes gravity's focal point for them, causing them to "fall" toward it. Once they "land" on the designated space, gravity's normal effects take hold once more.
Level 1
Create a well of intense gravity in an unoccupied space within 10 meters. The well will pulse at the end of your turn each round, forcing every creature within 5 meters of it to Save or be drawn 1d6 meters closer to the center of the gravity well. Any creature adjacent to the well when it pulses takes 2d6 + 3 Physical damage.
Level 2
Create a well of intense gravity in an unoccupied space within 15 meters. The well will pulse at the end of your turn each round, forcing every creature within 8 meters of it to Save or be drawn 1d8 meters closer to the center of the gravity well and Slowed (Save ends). Any creature adjacent to the well when it pulses takes 3d8 + 4 Physical damage.
Level 3
Create a well of intense gravity in an unoccupied space within 20 meters. The well will pulse at the end of your turn each round, forcing every creature within 10 meters of it to Save or be drawn 1d10 meters closer to the center of the gravity well and Immobilized (Save ends). Any creature adjacent to the well when it pulses takes 4d10 + 5 Physical damage.
You reverse the time-stream around a creature or object, rewinding its status back to a recent time when it was unharmed, thus negating the last instance of damage it received.
Level 1
As the Cantrip, but you may negate one instance of damage the target received since the start of the current round.
Level 2
As the Cantrip, but you may negate one instance of damage the target received this Scene.
Level 3
You reverse the time-stream around a creature or object so thoroughly, you restore them completely (in terms of damage, Focus, and any other resources expended) to the state they were in at the end of their last Rest.
You reverse the time-stream around a creature or object, rewinding its status back to a recent time when it was unharmed, thus negating the last instance of damage it received.
Level 1
As the Cantrip, but you may negate one instance of damage the target received since the start of the current round.
Level 2
As the Cantrip, but you may negate one instance of damage the target received this Scene.
Level 3
You reverse the time-stream around a creature or object so thoroughly, you restore them completely (in terms of damage, Focus, and any other resources expended) to the state they were in at the end of their last Rest.
Touch a creature or object to lock it in a state of temporal stasis, removing it from the time-stream and freezing it in place. An unwilling creature may Save to resist and end this effect. A creature or object in stasis is aware of its surroundings but cannot move, act, or be affected by anything within the time-stream. The effect ends on its own in 10 minutes.
Level 1
As the Cantrip, but you may target a creature within 10 meters. The target can only Save to end this effect when it is touched by something within the time-stream. The effect ends on its own in one hour.
Level 2
As Level 1, but you may lock the target in stasis for as long as you hold Concentration.
Level 3
As Level 2, but instead of targeting a single creature, this Spell creates a 5 x 5 meter sphere centered within 20 meters of you and targets all creatures and objects within the area of effect.
Touch a creature or object to lock it in a state of temporal stasis, removing it from the time-stream and freezing it in place. An unwilling creature may Save to resist and end this effect. A creature or object in stasis is aware of its surroundings but cannot move, act, or be affected by anything within the time-stream. The effect ends on its own in 10 minutes.
Level 1
As the Cantrip, but you may target a creature within 10 meters. The target can only Save to end this effect when it is touched by something within the time-stream. The effect ends on its own in one hour.
Level 2
As Level 1, but you may lock the target in stasis for as long as you hold Concentration.
Level 3
As Level 2, but instead of targeting a single creature, this Spell creates a 5 x 5 meter sphere centered within 20 meters of you and targets all creatures and objects within the area of effect.
Touch a Medium-sized (or smaller) creature or an object that you can easily carry in two hands to teleport them up to 5 meters into an unoccupied space within your line of sight. An unwilling creature may Save to resist this effect.
Level 1
A Large-sized (or smaller) creature or object that weighs no more than you do and is within 10 meters of you is teleported to another space within 10 meters of their current position. An unwilling creature may Save to resist this effect.
Level 2
A Huge-sized (or smaller) creature or object that weighs under one ton and is within 20 meters of you is teleported to another space within 20 meters of their current position. An unwilling creature may Save (with Disadvantage) to resist this effect.
Level 3
A Gigantic-sized (or smaller) creature or object that is not anchored to the ground and is within 50 meters of you is teleported to another space within 50 meters of their current position. This effect cannot be resisted.
Touch a Medium-sized (or smaller) creature or an object that you can easily carry in two hands to teleport them up to 5 meters into an unoccupied space within your line of sight. An unwilling creature may Save to resist this effect.
Level 1
A Large-sized (or smaller) creature or object that weighs no more than you do and is within 10 meters of you is teleported to another space within 10 meters of their current position. An unwilling creature may Save to resist this effect.
Level 2
A Huge-sized (or smaller) creature or object that weighs under one ton and is within 20 meters of you is teleported to another space within 20 meters of their current position. An unwilling creature may Save (with Disadvantage) to resist this effect.
Level 3
A Gigantic-sized (or smaller) creature or object that is not anchored to the ground and is within 50 meters of you is teleported to another space within 50 meters of their current position. This effect cannot be resisted.
As a Half Action, send a creature within 10 meters into the immediate future, causing them to vanish and reappear a few seconds later. Make a Spellcraft Feat; for every Bump, you can move the target creature one place lower in the order of Initiative. An unwilling creature may Save to resist this effect.
Level 1
As a Half Action, send a creature within 10 meters into the future, causing them to vanish and reappear at the start of their turn during the next round/minute; this effectively forces the creature to skip one turn. They emerge in the exact space (relative to the movement of the Sphere through space) and state/position they were in when they left, pushing any non-anchored object or creature out of their space when they reappear. An unwilling creature may Save to resist this effect.
Level 2
As a Half Action, send an object or non-combatant creature within 10 meters into the future, causing them to vanish and reappear up to 24 hours later. An unwilling creature may Save (with Disadvantage) to resist this effect. They emerge in the exact space (relative to the movement of the Sphere through space) and state/position they were in when they left, pushing any non-anchored object or creature out of their space when they reappear.
Level 3
As a Half Action, send an object or non-combatant creature within 10 meters into the future, causing them to vanish and reappear up to one week later. They emerge in the exact space (relative to the movement of the Sphere through space) and state/position they were in when they left, pushing any non-anchored object or creature out of their space when they reappear.
As a Half Action, send a creature within 10 meters into the immediate future, causing them to vanish and reappear a few seconds later. Make a Spellcraft Feat; for every Bump, you can move the target creature one place lower in the order of Initiative. An unwilling creature may Save to resist this effect.
Level 1
As a Half Action, send a creature within 10 meters into the future, causing them to vanish and reappear at the start of their turn during the next round/minute; this effectively forces the creature to skip one turn. They emerge in the exact space (relative to the movement of the Sphere through space) and state/position they were in when they left, pushing any non-anchored object or creature out of their space when they reappear. An unwilling creature may Save to resist this effect.
Level 2
As a Half Action, send an object or non-combatant creature within 10 meters into the future, causing them to vanish and reappear up to 24 hours later. An unwilling creature may Save (with Disadvantage) to resist this effect. They emerge in the exact space (relative to the movement of the Sphere through space) and state/position they were in when they left, pushing any non-anchored object or creature out of their space when they reappear.
Level 3
As a Half Action, send an object or non-combatant creature within 10 meters into the future, causing them to vanish and reappear up to one week later. They emerge in the exact space (relative to the movement of the Sphere through space) and state/position they were in when they left, pushing any non-anchored object or creature out of their space when they reappear.