The distant and mysterious world of Evenar is home to the Aldorei, a race of intellectuals, scientists, and diplomats who make it their mission to obtain as much knowledge about The Sphere as possible. They are a calm and taciturn people, always measured in their dealings with others, especially outsiders. Their serenity is not a product of culture, but rather one of biology. Due to their unusual brain chemistry, Aldorei don't experience the same degree of emotional high or low that other mortals do. They are certainly able to become upset, but what feels like rage to an Aldorei comes across as mild annoyance to another mortal.
The Aldoric obsession with knowledge may also be a product of their biology. Unlike other sapient species, Aldorei pass on many of their own memories to their children, gifting them with generations of wisdom and experience. Of course, the memories of distant ancestors become more and more diluted with each new generation until they are all but erased, but the Aldorei have (rather unpleasant) methods to probe into those memories as well when the need is deemed great enough. Since The Collapse, The Aldorei of Evenar have uncovered many secrets of the former age and many among them would prefer that the past remain buried. The Aldorei of the Second Age were not as peaceful or forward thinking as those of the Fourth Era. In their bid for war, they made pacts with eldritch beings too horrible to name who still slumber beneath the secret sands of vast, cold deserts and dream under frozen seas, their tendrils seeping into the dreams of the Aldorei and turning their minds towards dark pursuits. |
Serene, Intellectual, Amoral Nicknames Watchers, Elders, Greys (slur) Senses Low-light vision Life Child: Ages 12-20 Youth: Ages 20-60 Adult: Ages 60-300 Elder: Ages 300-500 After 10 months of gestation, an Aldorei female will give birth once in her life to a group of 2-6 children. Most of these will not survive their first year, but those who do typically go on to live an exceptionally long life. On Evenar, Aldorei typically live up to 500 years. For whatever reason, those who move off-world rarely live past 300. Playing an Aldorei Aldorei are highly intellectual and value pursuits of the mind. They are not prone to extreme emotions or quick fluctuations in mood; the extreme ends of an Aldorei's emotion come across as very mild to other mortals. They are subtle, sly, and scholarly in all things. Few ever leave their world of Evenar and those who journey off-world do so only if there is no other way to achieve their goals. |
Racial AbilitiesYou have 3 CxP to spend during Character Creation.
Genetic Memory
Pick two more Features that your ancestors possessed and write them on your character sheet in (parenthesis). Any time one of these Features could potentially help you on a non-combat Feat, you gain Advantage on the Feat. Trait Bonus +1 Brawn if you are Urzo +1 Heart if you are Rivener +1 Intellect if you are Solomonari +1 Skill if you are Bejir |
Ethnicity & Origin
BejirAfter long wars with the Solomonari nations, the Bejir were eventually driven underground where their kind built vast stone cities buzzing with activity and technology. Though they have since reconciled with the other Aldorei, Bejir maintain a contentious and xenophobic view of the world. Theirs are the mountains and underground labyrinths of Evenar where their secretive stone cities hide the worship of strange, dark gods.
RivenerRiveners hail from the lowlands, rivers, and lake countries of Evenar. They retain many traits from their race's aquatic evolution such as superficial gills and cartilaginous crests upon their heads. Few Riveners dwell within cities, preferring the peace and solitude of the open country. Many are craftsmen, tinkerers, and naturalists who live among the creatures they study.
SolomonariSolomonari are the most well-known and widespread of the Aldorei, founding and inhabiting the most prosperous cities of Evenar. They are wise and serene, with white to gray complexion and large black eyes that show a rainbow of odd colors in the light. Their kind is dominant on Evenar as most positions of social authority and influence on Evenar are held by Solomonari.
urzoThe Urzo are a race of genetic clones created by the ancient Aldorei as slaves and manual laborers. Physical strength and endurance were enhanced while reason and willpower were diminished. Though they have evolved to become intelligent as any Aldorei, the social stigma of Urzo as a dull and boorish people remains.
Common NamesMale: Berec, Kamin, Nunoth, Tamrec, Vish, Zelam
Female: Edren, Kanoa, Lisho, Par, Thena, Wenoa Surnames: Bithnee, Choras, Galtrusche, Kaldreal, Minesh |
Common NamesMale: Banske, Chese, Duhanes, Markes, Temhes
Female: Alboa, Eva, Fina, Halia, Rhea, Vena Surnames: Riveners take their surnames based on their place of birth or where their families are known to dwell such as "...of the Asthalon Basin" or "...from Calabash" |
Common NamesMale: Arac, Balim, Caradim, Fernac, Jalu, Mephres
Female: Adeer, Erlu, Geona, Kanis, Naoli, Qeena Surnames: Berac, Epsidon, Otem, Shesan, Vos |
Common NamesMale: Ard, Dol, Fen, Monk, Quem, Yun
Female: Aff, Bes, Em, Gin, Mos, Ras Surnames: don Besio, don Hesti, don Malgol, don Septo, don Tyre, don Valux |